Saturday, January 31, 2009

Keeping Track, Obama

Keeping Track, Obama

Overview: Barack Hussein Obama is keeping his word to his base to govern not from the left, but from the far left. Isn’t funny how the name Hussein was a liability prior to his election and now he wears it as a badge of honor especially when kissing up with the leaders of the Middle East.

Some of his accompolishment in the first 10 days.

1. Lifted the federal funding restriction for abortions performed in foreign countries. I wonder if the people of these countries, not the governments, will see this as a humanitarian act .

2. Signed executive order to close Guantanamo. Terrorists with no place to go.

3. The Obama administration has asked the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon's budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent -- about $55 billion. Interesting considering the countries high unemployment and the fact that he wants to move terrorists from Gitmo. Does he perfer people on the dole with obligation to vote Democrat?

4. Hillary Rodham Clinton became Secretary of State in spite of being married to an Impeached President who receives much of his income from leaders of foreign countries.

5. Timothy Geithner becomes Treasury Secretary in spite of being fined for not paying all of his own income tax and for hiring an illegal domestic.

6. Tom Daschle, is picked by Obama to reside over the nation's healthcare system, in spite of his own improper tax filings and unclaimed income and the fact that he received $220,000 in speaking fees from health care groups with an interest in the work he would do once confirmed as health chief, reported Saturday.

7. Obama seeks a completely Democrat government by nominating Republican Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire to become commerce secretary. Gregg's appointment to the post could give Obama and his Democratic Party another seat in the Senate, clearing the way for them to pass legislation without fear of a Republican filibuster. New Hampshire has a Democrat Govenor charged with selecting Gregg’s replacement.

8. President Obama said it was "the height of irresponsibility" for financial corporations to have doled out $18 billion in bonuses to their employees in a year when many banks shed jobs and turned to the government for funds. Even while Nancy Pelosi pushed Obama’s economic recovery plan, full of liberal crony pork, through the House without a single Republican vote.

9. Mr. Obama intends to adopt a tougher line toward Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, as part of a new American approach to Afghanistan that will put more emphasis on waging war than on development. Jan. 27, 2009 This is not the right approach in a country where development will be the only way to win the war of the ignorant and uneducated.

10. The President today signed an executive order creating a Middle Class Task Force and asked his right hand man, Vice President Joe Biden, to lead it

11. Irritated Obama 'Stares Down' Reporter During Press Corps Visit when a reporter tried to quiz President Obama on Thursday about a lobbyist chosen for a top Defense Department job, the president quickly became agitated. Maybe not so cool after all.


cole said...


Here is a link with more info.

BaseballDennisFrench said...

Is there a God? Why does one become Christian? Why does one become conservative?

We at Claire Annette Media Arts will answer these questions and more with the upcoming feature documentary, “Baseball, Dennis & the French,” which features nationally renowned radio host, Dennis Prager. Have a look at the website:

The film tells the true story of Paul Croshaw, a longtime liberal activist and connoisseur of French films, who amazed family, friends, and himself by becoming a churchgoing, conservative Christian after years of listening to syndicated radio host, Dennis Prager.

The film is on schedule to be completed by the end of the year for a Spring 2011 theatrical release. We invite you all to share the website with friends, family, co-workers, whoever you like. The topics discussed in the film are sure to engage audiences of all religious and political beliefs, as we show Prager making logical arguments to speculate the existence of God. You can help us make a positive change in America’s attitude toward politics and religion.

We also want to thank those who have helped get this film off the ground -- it's been a long process but we're 85% there. Just a few more donations and we will have reached our goal of putting the greatest communicator of Judeo/Christian values on the big screen -- Dennis Prager.

Take care and God bless!

-Claire Annette Media Arts, Inc.