Friday, February 8, 2008

what is a " true conservative"?

I'm very much looking forward to discussing this. Also, I'm looking forward to others insights on the latest Republican controversy. What are peoples thoughts on what Ingraham, Hannity and Dobson said about McCain? I'm looking forward to some lively discourse on these themes.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Book Recommendation

I just finished an interesting book:
The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine and the Birth of al-Qaeda by Yaroslav Trofimov.

I recommend this book if you are interested in learning more about our enemy.

January Meeting

Our last listener’s meeting was a small group of 7 or so members in attendance. Although limited in numbers, we were not limited in spirited discussion. With the elections so close, one of the topics, of course, was the candidates. We discussed the ‘Change Agenda’ of Obama, the inevitability of a Clinon nomination. At the time of our meeting, we had a wide range of Republican candidates as well. I am sure we will all find the results of ‘Super Tuesday’ interesting.

The other major topic of discussion was, ‘Cheating: can it ever be moral?’ This was a recent Dennis Prager topic and I believe our discussion was lively as the one with Dennis and his callers.

The final topic we discussed was the meetings. With over 40 members listed, we have never had more than a 25% attendance. Considering that our members are from Grass Valley to Vacaville to Lodi having a meeting to include everyone may not be realistic. It has been suggested that we consider breaking out into smaller groups with meetings more strategically located. We have tried to have monthly meetings, but maybe every other month would be easier. I believe Bob is looking for suggestions to help make our listener meetings interesting for everyone. Please use this Blog to offer your ideas.

I learned from a recent WebMD newsletter that coming soon to a market near you, meat and milk from cloned animals and probably without disclosure labels. Labels will equal higher cost for products from cloned animals and even higher for products from non-cloned animals. What issues or concerns, if any, should be considered?

From the article:
FDA: Meat of Cloned Animals Safe to EatAgency Says Milk and Meat From Clones Pose No Risks to Humans
The FDA concluded last month that meat and milk from cloned animals is safe for human consumption, clearing the way for clones to enter the U.S. food supply.The much-anticipated decision was the culmination of years of review by the agency, which has been investigating whether cloning puts animals at risk of genetic changes that could be dangerous if consumed by humans.

Labeling Controversy

Joseph Mendelson, legal director of the consumer watchdog group Center for Food Safety, says his group and others would now shift part of their focus to requiring producers to label meat and milk from cloned parents. "Labeling is going to be a big fight," he says.
Karen Batra, the cattlemen's association spokeswoman, says her industry would oppose labels drawing a distinction between traditional meat and meat from cloned sources. "The science says there is no difference between the two, and it's perfectly safe, and it doesn't need to be labeled," she says.
Stephen Sundlof, the director of the FDA's Center of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, says the agency did not intend to label cloned products on grocery store shelves. "The FDA does not require labeling if there are no food safety issues."