Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Forums, Meetings, and Merry Christmas

December 9th seven people braved the stormy weather to meet at the Johansens for the 2nd meeting of the Sacramento Area Dennis Prager Listeners' Group.
My wife, Maree, gave a short talk about her recent trip into North Korea for a women's conference. She was able to spend two days at the resort area, Kumgangsan, which in English means “Diamond Mountain”. In 1998 the area was opened up to promote a new era of inter-Korean reconciliation, and to provide foreign currency for the Pyong-yang regime.
In our meeting, Don Simms mentioned that visiting only Diamond Mountain, would be like an overseas tourist coming to the U.S. and visiting Disney Land. My wife agreed, but later commented it would be more like visiting Yosemite. Although my wife wasn't able to visit much of the “real” North Korea, she did get a glimpse into what life is like inside the “Hermit Kingdom”.
To visit North Korea a tourist must not bring: cell phones, radios, recording devices, notebook computers, cameras with telephoto lenses of more than 160mm, and Bibles or religious items of any kind. In addition you must not photograph military facilities or staff, or residents. Plus you must not discuss politics, economics, or other sensitive subjects. And especially you mustn't pray or chant.
( I read an article on the internet about a group of Buddhists who were fined U.S.$1,000 for chanting while visiting Kumgangsan..)
On her bus trip to Kumgansan, my wife noticed that nearly everywhere there was a group of people, there was a North Korean guard keeping an eye on things; a small group of people gathering straw, students marching in a school yard. Guards everywhere, even at rural highway intersections.
In addition to my wife's presentation we also discussed, “How to talk to people who disagree with you.”
Don mentioned that he was reading one of Ann Colter's books where she suggests, “Don't bother.”
We didn't spend much more time on that subject. Perhaps if there would have been more people attending the meeting, there would have been personal testimonies of how they talk with people who disagree with them. On our drive back home, my wife mentioned how she once quoted Thomas Sowell to one of her liberal friends concerning his opposition to affirmative action. Her friend was rather dumbfounded that a black person would be against affirmative action, and didn't have much to say about the subject after that.
December 9th my wife and I traveled to San Francisco to attend the inaugural meeting of the S.F. Area Dennis Prager Listeners' Group, which was held at San Francisco's Temple Emanu-El.. There were 35 people in attendance. Organizer Andy Dreisch showed a short Power Point presentation about Dennis and his radio show, and then members of the audience talked about what they like about Dennis' show, and how long they've been listening to him. Many in the audience listened to Dennis when they lived in L.A., and had been fans of his show for some time. For some photos of the event visit: http://ontheradio.meetup.com/2/photos/?photoAlbumId=262274&photoId=2757257
After the meeting, most of us attended the forum on the Middle East ,“Dangerous Times in a Dangerous Neighborhood”, held also at The Temple Emanu-El. The Temple was truly a magnificent sight to see, and a great venue to watch Dennis at his best as he, Mona Charen, John Podhoretz, and moderator Michael Medved discussed the situation in the Middle East. More information about the event can be found at :http://noevalley.googlepages.com/jewishpolicy and http://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/article/83
It was great to meet other Prager fans and to attend the forum that evening. To meet Dennis in person would have been special but the trip was definitely worth it.
Our next meeting is scheduled for January 10 at the usual location. If anyone has any suggestions, comments or questions please email me. We currently have over 30 members of the Sacramento Prager Listeners' Group and we're pretty spread out. The organizer of The Philadelphia Listeners' Group recently phoned Dennis' show and commented that there was to be seven separate meetings throughout the Philadelphia area that evening. We now have members in Yuba City, Grass Valley, Woodland and as far south as Turlock. Perhaps we should split up and have some localized meetings. Again please let me know what you think, and if you're willing to host a meeting.
Indoctrinate-u.com website is back up after being shut down because of a potential lawsuit. Visit the website if you haven't recently. Also if you'd like to see the documentary, please show your interest so that we can hopefully have a screening in the Sacramento area.
I hope that everyone has a great Christmas and of course a happy, safe, and blessed New Year
Bob Gauper

1 comment:

Cherie said...


Thank you so much for this wonderful, informative summary of the past month's events. Once again I will not be able to make the January 10th meeting, as there is a scheduling conflict, hope to catch up to everyone in the new year!

Merry Christmas!