Saturday, November 24, 2007



What a show! I had to listen on a download following the Thanksgiving festivities. I was so touched by the beautiful words of some of our Immigrant Americans. I was also saddened that I could not persuade one of my relatives to listen to a single segment with me.

If you missed the show, you can still download it from the following link.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.


srome said...

I wanted so bad to get on and share my story and the gratitude I feel for the privilege (and great luck) I have to be able to live in this here great ol' USA.
I tried to get on last year too. No luck!
Anyways, I'm reminded often to be grateful, and I thank Providence above.

bgaup said...

Many years ago when I was at a friend's house in St. Louis, his son, who was in Kindergaten, brought home some papers about Thanksgiving. I was rather upset when I read, "Thanksgiving, is when the Pilgrams had a celebration to thank the Indians for helping them." Luckily my friend's son knew better.

I was a little disappointed that year when my friends, who were Japanese, celebrated Thankgiving with a seafood and Sushi party. I thought, "This sure isn't very traditional", however, after listening to Dennis talk about all the seafood the Pilgrams ate at the first Thanksgiving, I guess the dinner wasn't as non-traditional as I had imagined.