Thursday, November 15, 2007

Inaugural Meeting

"So how do you know these people", Mary Jane asked apprehensively.
"Well, I, uh, don't really know them", I replied, "They're people who've joined "The Sacramento Area Dennis Prager Listeners Group."
I was fairly confident that the people who'd show up that evening would be quality people. At least we weren't "The Pit Bull Owners Group", or something like that. Mary Jane and her husband Ray graciously opened up their home for our inaugural meeting. M.J. would later joke to the group "I made sure I didn't put out the good silverware."
The meeting was attended by twelve "Friends of Dennis". We introduced ourselves, spoke about what we'd like the group to do, and offered suggestions for our next meeting in December. One of the main suggestions made was that we should offer topics that people would like discussed. The topics with the most interest would set the agenda for our next meeting. Other suggestions were to have a mission statement, and the possibility of involvement in some community event.
I felt our meeting went very well. It was truly a delight to meet with fellow "Kindred Spirits'". Hopefully everyone else also had a good experience. Please comment.
I'm planning our next meeting for Dec. 6th at the Johansens. My wife will join me, and I'm hoping she can give a short talk on her brief trip into North Korea that she took recently.
Dec. 9th The S. F. Area Prager group will have their first meeting in San Francisco. Best of all, Dennis and Michael Medved will also be in S.F. that day for a forum on The Middle East. See: for details. We're invited to attend. Anyone interested?
The Minneapolis Prager group has over 60 members already. No small feat in liberal Minnesota. Although my grandfather was a staunch Minnesota Republican. This former long-haired-hippy-freak from California didn't appreciate his political wisdom until later in life. You can visit the Minneapolis blog@
Evan Maloney the director of Indoctrinate-U has been threatend with a lawsuit from a major university regarding his expose' of americas college campuses. If you try to visit his website: you'll only see an explanation about why he took down the site. You can still get on his email list if you request it. I'm surpised I don't hear more about his situation on talk radio.
Some links you might find of interest:
Please let me know what you would like to discuss at our next meeting.
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Thank you Bob for the great summary of the inaugural meeting.I enjoyed meeting everyone, and thank you again to Mary Jane and Ray for their hospitality. I will not be able to meet on Dec 6th as I have a prior commitment, but will look forward to the postings that arise after the meeting. Happy Thanksgiving to all!